Aman Rangapur

Aman Rangapur

About Me

I am a Machine Learning Research Engineer at Data Mining Laboratory, Illinois Institute of Technology working on IARPA's project with Dr. Kai Shu.

I have a proven track record of training deep learning models, curating datasets, and delivering cutting-edge ML solutions. I consistently drive efficiency and ensure the successful delivery of projects, demonstrating my commitment to excellence and innovation in the field of machine learning.

My strong programming skills and emphasis on innovation enable me to develop and deploy learning-enabled systems effectively.

I play badminton, basketball, cricket, ping-pong, squash, tennis, & volleyball.

Research Interests

Pioneering the fusion of NLP and Generative AI, I strive to solve complex challenges. My research zeroes in on three crucial areas:
1. Multimodal Generative AI (Image, Video, Text, Audio, 2.5D, 3D, 4D).
2. Enhancing Misinformation Detection and Fact-Checking.
3. Investigating Adversarial Vulnerabilities in ML Models.


  • Data Mining Lab, Illinois Institute of Technology
      Machine Learning Research Engineer, May 2024 - Present.
      Research Assistant, December 2022 - April 2024.
  • Clients served: IARPA, Cisco, U.S. National Science Foundation, CAOE.

  • Actualwise Consulting LLC
      Machine Learning Engineer, January 2024 - May 2024.

  • Appyhub Technology Solutions
     Image Processing Engineer, October 2020 - April 2022.
  • Clients served: Dhana Inc.

  • Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Center, VIT-AP
     Research Assistant, August 2018 - May 2020.

  • Recent Publications

    Quantization-Induced Hallucinations: Analyzing Attention Patterns in Large Language Models.
    Aman Rangapur
    , Haoran Wang, Kai Shu.
    Paper in preparation.

    Fin-Fact: A Benchmark Dataset for Multimodal Financial Fact Checking and Explanation Generation.
    Aman Rangapur
    , Haoran Wang, Kai Shu.
    CIKM(Submission Under Review).
    [Pre Print], [GitHub], [Hugging Face]

    Investigating Online Financial Misinformation and Its Consequences: A Computational Perspective.
    Aman Rangapur
    , Haoran Wang, Kai Shu.
    ACM Computing Surveys(Submission Under Review).
    [Pre Print]

    EfficientWord-Net: An Open Source Hotword Detection Engine Based on Few-Shot Learning.
    Aman Rangapur
    , Chidhambararajan R, S. Sibi Chakkaravarthy.
    Journal of Information & Knowledge Management.
    [Paper], [GitHub]

    Academic Service

    Sub-reviewer of AAAI 2024 conference.
    Sub-reviewer of NeuralIPS 2023 conference.
    Reviewer of International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems 2023 conference.
    Volunteer for ACM FAccT Conference 2023.

    Fellowships & Awards

    Graduate Student Scholarship Illinois Institute of Technology
    Admission Merit Scholarship George Mason University
    Runner-up position Major League Hacking